Liberi Consulting

Be Memorable.
Define your Voice: Use Your Voice 

Liberi* means ‘free’ in Latin.

Liberi Consulting is a forward-thinking communications agency offering a roster of bespoke services to help you, your teams and your company define a distinctive voice and give you the confidence to use it freely and impactfully across multiple channels.

* We pronounce it ‘lib’ as in Ad Lib

Whether your goal is to:

Finesse your media relations and presentation skills

Refresh your pitch

Ensure your event speakers are well prepared

Fire up your business messaging

Establish a clear values- based corporate culture

Land greater awareness with key targets

Define cogent company messaging

Implement an impactful B2B communications plan

We offer focused skills and strategic insights to give executives the confidence to talk freely and with a clear purpose.

What we do

Designed to work together as a 360-degree package or as individual modules, our services are all bespoke and aligned to your specific goals, including:

Our clients include: